
SearchWithin is a free full text index search engine that allows you to search inside the files on your drive or network. It looks beyond the titles and inside PDF, HTML, Text, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Word Perfect and Microsoft PowerPoint documents. If Omniformat with the OCR Module is installed, SearchWithin will index normally unsearchable PDF files created from scans or faxes by employing Optical Character Recognition. SearchWithin works just like major search engines, using advanced querying and full-text search technologies to help you find the information you need fast.

Free Download:

SearchWithin: Version 22.0 (PC) Download (12.3 MB)
Now with high-speed PDF and Word document indexing

We support Windows 11; Windows 10; Windows 8; Windows 7; Vista; XP; Citrix/Terminal Server; configuration as a shared index; Windows Server; and Windows 95, 98, NT 4.0, 2000 and ME. We support Windows 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems.

The free version of SearchWithin will display a sponsor page in your web browser each time you launch the software and every fourth search. If you would prefer not to see sponsor pages, you may purchase a license key for $9.95. SearchWithin never transmits any personal information or query information. Please see our FAQ for details about our software license or to contact us.

A product of Software995